Worthy Social Club Logo

People and places worthy of your time

We're club-ish.

If you call an organized calendar of fun events with cool people a "club" then yes, we're a club, but there's no secret handshake. Unless you want one, that would be kinda fun.

Really, this is just a scheduled opportunity to enjoy life together. You'll meet some great people, you'll get to do something fun, we'll get to enjoy your company, there will probably be some good food and drinks, and life won't be so lonely. You in?

We'll start workshopping those handshakes asap.

Winter/Spring 2025 Events

Please follow the links through Calendly to RSVP


Feb 14: Wine Exchange

Take Home the One You Love - An intimate wine tasting event

8:00pm @ 123 West Ridge Way, Roswell

Feb 22: Babes Brunch

Ladies Only Brunch Event

12:00pm @ Le Bon Nosh

Mar 8: Rock Band Karaoke

Unleash your inner rockstar at Dark Horse Tavern

9:00pm @ Dark Horse Tavern

Mar 11: Yoga & Dinner

CorePower Yoga followed by True Food Kitchen

6:15pm @ CorePower Yoga Buckhead & True Food Kitchen

Mar 16: Babes Brunch

Ladies Only Brunch Event

1:30pm @ The Daily Buckhead

Mar 30: Family Dinner

Spaghetti Bolognese Gathering

5:30pm @ 123 West Ridge Way, Roswell

April Wednesdays: Park Walks

Weekly Walk at Chastain Park

6:15pm @ Chastain Park (near The Chastain)

Apr 4: Girls Night In

Noir Night - Ladies Only

7:30pm @ 99 West Paces

Apr 13: Dogwood Festival

Piedmont Park's Annual Celebration

1:30pm @ Piedmont Park (near Park Tavern)

May 5: Cinco de Mayo

Fiesta Celebration

7:00pm @ Location TBD

May 16: Pom Before the Peel

Evening at Hotel Granda and May Peel

7:45pm @ Pom Court & Speakeasy

May 25: BBBB Event

Brunch, Bread, Butterflies & Beltline

1:30pm @ Bread & Butterfly, then Beltline